WORKBENCHcon is going to take your business to the NEXT level.
#WBCbuilds – Community * Makers * Businesses
Creating an event in which so many people are creating a life they love, sets our soul on fire! Seeing the transformation that FREEDOM brings to everyday life is inspiring.
The #WBCmaker community is so abundantly generous and FUN, we enjoy planning and exucuting this experience year over year.
WORKBENCHcon is an intimate gathering of 500 like-minded people. We are based in connecting social influencers with brands and inspiring creatives with relevant content and networking events to transition their passion into a career. Seeing people transforming, lives changed by the doors that open at this conference is powerful and moving! Things happen when we gather!
This 2.5-day conference curated for the DIY content creator and maker, will give you the drive you need to kick your business to the next level!
Please ask any questions – We look forward to the convo
Thank you, look forward to seeing you in February!