Introducing our 2025 Premier Sponsor:

Gold Sponsors

Vectric is an employee-owned software development company specialising in applications designed to make cutting parts using CNC technology a highly productive and enjoyable experience. The combination of power and simplicity lets you efficiently generate, modify and enhance your design, then quickly create precise toolpaths to drive your CNC. We back this up with a friendly and knowledgeable community of staff and customers who provide a user-experience that is second to none. If you are buying, building or already own a CNC machine then explore our extensive website ( to learn more about how we can help you to get the results you want. We think the best way to prove how good our programs are is to let you try them, so we offer free trial software, training videos and files for download. We also recommend visiting our vibrant online “User Forum” (
Silver Sponsors
Bessey Tools
Since 1889 BESSEY has been setting standards in hand clamping and cutting technology. Our core competencies of research and development allow us to continuously create innovative new products and, to improve upon our current products. BESSEY´s tools are produced from the top quality materials, using state of-the-art techniques. This allows the highest degree of comfort, safety and user-friendliness so that you can also benefit from our unique innovation advantage and, in accordance with our company motto: “BESSEY. Simply better.“
Phantom CNC Systems
Steve Wallace brings Phantom CNC Systems to
the “blue collar” worker
Hospitality Sponsors

Walrus Oil
BossDog Glue Co
GraceLane Co
NextWave CNC
Fuji Spray
Mullet Tools
Temple Tool Co
Woodworkers Guild of Georgia
Tools Today
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